Notice From Eastern Ontario Hoy Sun Association
本會每年一次的敬老餐宴將于本月十五日假座東方明珠酒樓舉行. 此次宴會是第三屆, 因本會獲得省府 Ontario Senior Community Program支助部份經費,招待二百五十位年屆七十五或以上的長者. 餐票先到先得,領票者需出示能証明年齡的証件.
合資格的人士請聯絡陳森先生, 電話 613-592-9736.
Eastern Ontario Hoy Sun Association will be hosting an Honour Our Seniors dinner party on August 15th 2016 at Oriental Chu Sing Restaurant. Thanks to a grant from the Ontario Senior Community Program, we are pleased to offer up to 250 free admission tickets to seniors 75 years old or older. Tickets will be offered at a first come first serve basis. Qualified seniors please contact Mr. Sam Chan (613) 592-9736 with a document that will prove you age.